わたしたちができること【CARBOOTS のSDGS宣言】

CARBOOTS は、持続可能な世界の実現に向け国連が定めた2030年までの国際的な目標であるSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals : 持続可能な開発目標)に対して、その理念に共感し、事業活動と社会貢献活動を通じて、目標達成に貢献します。

SDGsについて詳しくは、外務省のJAPAN SDGs Action Platformをご覧ください。


@既存のアンティーク、ヴィンテージの素材を生かした、商品ブランドの立ち上げ(Comte )

What we can do [CARBOOTS SDGS Declaration]

Contribution to SDGs

CARBOOTS empathizes with the principles of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which are international goals up to 2030 set by the United Nations for the realization of a sustainable world, and empathizes with its business activities.
We will contribute to the achievement of our goals through social contribution activities.

For more information on SDGs, see the United Nation SDGs Action Platform.

Realization of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
We will promote a society that will lead to the future through reuse of used clothing and the vintage industry.
We believe that our mission is to convey the splendor of vintages by incorporating the concept of respect for carefully crafted manufacturing.
We will promote a sustainable society for the importance of reuse, coolness, and environmental economy.

@ Launching a product brand that utilizes existing antique and vintage materials (Comte)
A collaboration between French antique and vintage collectors and CARBOOTS.
One-of-a-kind handmade items by carefully selecting French vintage materials and parts.
Instead of just recycling, we will create a completely new design while leaving that breath.
Reducing clothing waste loss and reducing CO2 associated with it will lead to SDGs goals 12 and 13, "Responsible consumption and production," and "To take concrete measures against climate change."(Climate action)

@World Vision@
since 2012, our store has donated a part of the sales to support Africa and Southeast Asia through World Vision.
In parallel with Child Support (Goal 4 “Education” of the SDGs), Goals 1, 2, 3, 6 “Poverty” “Hunger” “Health/Welfare” “Sanitation” are also aims.
In addition, we will continue to make efforts to lead to goals 16 and 17 "Peace and Justice" and "Partnership".

Sincerely, CARBOOTS